Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Snuggles

This weekend I did NOTHING. I slept in late and enjoyed my thick, soft, comforting blankets wrapped around my body on a warm, Sunday morning!

I had nothing to do. NOT A DARN THING! Not only did I have those warm blankets wrapped around me but I also had the warmth of Mikes body. That to me, is THE MOST WONDERFUL way to wake up on a Sunday morning. He was sleeping and softly snoring. I love his soft snores. They comfort me.

So. I woke up and drove to Dunkin Donuts. I ordered a hot cup of coffee with skimmed milk. I came home, plopped on my couch and tuned into t.v.

He woke up. He laid on the couch and I squeezed, cuddled and snored with him for another few hours.

I had to go to the Drugstore to get sinus spray, tablets and Tylenol to treat my allergies. He offered to go but I was restless.

Once I got back home I snuggled again and then gained enough strength to make some semi-ok stuffed green peppers.

After chowing down I snuggled again. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Mike had to catch the train to his apartment in the city. I drove him and said my good-byes.

I hate goodbyes.

They don't feel right.

They aren't right.

Especially after a day of Sunday Snuggles.

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