Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Desperate Dishwasher

About three weeks ago my dishwasher door broke. Well, the handle broke. No,no... the little thingy-dingy inside the handle that clicks the door shut broke. Whatever! The point is that I haven't been able to use my dishwasher and have been slaving over a soapy sink. Being the diligent dishwasher that I am, dishes have been piling up, up, up and fruit flies have been a-swarming. I'm cooking less (and I do love to cook) because I don't wanna do no friggin' dishes.

This morning I tumbled out of bed and went directly to the coffee pot to make a fresh pot of brew. Well, guess what? Due to a pile of dirty dishes in my sink I could not fit the coffee pot under the faucet to fill it. No way in hell was I going to do the mother-fuc*&^ing dishes first thing in the morning, BEFORE my first cup of coffee. I jiggled the dishwasher door handle - no luck. I squeeeezed, pulled and kicked the door - no luck. I pried the handle with a dirty butter knife - LUCK!!! The door popped open - never to lock shut again.

I piled every last dirty dish into that dishwasher. Piled them in so full that the top shelf was bowing down. Then, I shut the door. It flopped open. I shut the door again. It flopped open again. "Oh no, you will NOT win this fight!". I shut the door, held it shut and turned that sucker on. I could hear it filling with water and then start to swish those dishes clean. The only thing was, I was stuck there holding the door shut watching water leak onto my floor when my arm got tired. Then I got an idea. I propped the door shut with two chairs and stuck a towel under the dishwasher just in case.

Michael came into the kitchen, took one look, shook his head and said, "You've GOT to take a picture of that." I did. Then we went dishwasher shopping on the web. I found one but haven't ordered it yet. The chairs will do for a little longer!

My dishes are clean!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's a Dog's Life

Wilbur a.k.a Sir Spoiled-A-Lot spent a very relaxing morning napping in the remains of my garden. That translates to "Wilbur was napping in dirt and rotten tomatoes".

A few days ago he had a bath.

I enjoy just letting him be a dog no matter how dirty he gets right after a bath.

It's a dog's life, isn't it?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Been a Long Time...

It's been a long time.

A long time since I've written in this blog.

A long time since I've worked.

A long time since my mom has died.

It's been a looooooooooooong time.

Even though it's been a long time I feel like I'm just starting to get back into the swing of things.

I was numb for awhile. Sitting, thinking, analyzing and wondering. A lot of just staring to be honest.

Have you ever just stared? Mind blank, body numb, eyes dull, ears ringing and hearing the t.v. somewhere off in the distance? I did. I was in a dazed and confused sort of state. I'm coming out of it now and it feels good to jump back into reality or ....jump into life.

So my jump back into life is like standing on a hot rock, holding onto a rope, swinging myself into the air towards a very cold creek and letting go. As my body sinks deep into the cold water I feel scared but invigorated. I feel the fight rippling through my body. I know I'll fight my way up from the bottom of the creek and soon suck in fresh air, look up to the clouds and know there is hope for a new beginning.

I had my first interview today.

It was good.

Peace and love to all.

Life is good.